I had full movement just six months after breast cancer surgery
Until I started pilates with Heather I never realised that even the way I was standing was doing damage. It didn't take long though before my whole posture changed and I was more aware of my body, and aware of how much less it felt tight and fatigued.
I couldn't have known when I first started pilates how important it would become for my overall health. Around 6 months after starting pilates I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27. I kept seeing Heather right through treatment and it was honestly the best thing for me. Making sure my body was moving was so important for my treatment and Heather was so incredibly patient and aware of where my body was at - even if I didn't like the fact it wouldn't do what I wanted!
One common side effect of one of the chemotherapy treatments is neuropathy of the feet. And while I can't say for certain that the pilates exercises Heather had me doing was what stopped that, I can definitely say it didn't make things worse!
After surgery my arm movement was very limited, however through careful instruction and gentle encouragement I had full range of movement back within probably six months.
Pilates sessions with Heather have been such a blessing to me as she instructs with care and humour and I can honestly say it has been so good to gain a greater understanding of my own body, which is capable of much more than my mind will often tell me.
Gemma M.